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Bank Depository Bonds

Surety Bond Quote

We have specific expertise in depository bonds.

Our national Bank Depository Bond program is utilized by banks holding certain federal, state, municipal or private deposits. The bank is required to collateralize those deposits which are in excess of the F.D.I.C. limit. The use of our SURETY BOND is the alternative and accepted method of collateralization by law.

Banks have historically posted different forms of U.S. Treasuries as collateral. Our program offers a much more economical and profitable method of insuring these deposits, thereby freeing up funds for more diverse investments. Only A-rated surety companies are used.

Underwriting: The financial strength, breadth and history of the institution are assessed. Also included is location, geographical reach, product diversity, agency ratings and overall portfolio review, as required.

Some of our clients have included:

  • Bank of America
  • Comerica
  • East West Bank
  • Hudson Valley Bank
  • Huntington National Bank
  • J.P. Morgan Chase
  • Union Bank